LXMS Mobile Device Policy

Lexington Middle School values the growth and safety of all our students and staff.  We support everyone’s engagement  in high-quality lessons and explorations through school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS). We expect our students to be principled in their actions and to know how to make appropriate choices. We also understand that adolescents may struggle to regulate their electronic device usage and part of our role is to provide structure and clear expectations around the use of electronic devices.

Students may possess cell phones and other personal electronic devices (including smart watches and wireless earbuds) while on school grounds during regular school hours, however they must be turned off and out of sight at all times. Cell phones/Smart watches/Earbuds/Headphones/Speakers of any kind must be powered off, put away, and out of sight in backpacks/bags (not in pockets, shirts, or on their “person”) from 7:00 am until off campus. Electronic devices are not permitted in the Early Lynx Before Care Program. Possession of all personal electronic devices, including cell phones, is done at the student’s own risk and the school assumes no responsibility, legal or otherwise, with regard to these items even if the device is confiscated and in school possession. When a device is confiscated, a parent or guardian will be required to retrieve it from the school.

Parent Contact

If necessary during the school day, parents/guardians may contact students through the school office. The school’s phone number is 239.454.6130. We will get your message to your child as quickly as possible. Additionally, there is a phone available in the front office for students to call their parent(s) as necessary. 

The administration reserves the right to make adjustments to this policy in support of the safety and wellbeing of all students and staff.

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