The IB Middle Years Programme

The IB Middle Years Programme

What does an IB education look like at Lexington Middle School?

What can I and my student expect from an IB education at Lexington?

  • Lexington challenges all students to excel in their studies and in their personal growth.
  • An IB MYP education is unique because of its academic and personal rigor.
  • The IB and Lexington Middle aim to inspire a quest for learning throughout life whose hallmarks are enthusiasm and empathy.
  • The IB aspires to help schools develop well-rounded students with character; students who can respond to challenges with optimism and an open-mind; students confident in their own identities; students who make ethical decisions; students who cultivate the hospitality of mind that allows them to join with others in celebrating our common humanity.
  • Teachers at Lexington organize the curriculum with attention to teaching and learning in context and conceptual understandings.
  • Classes at Lexington are divided into 8 subject areas that are connected by those shared contexts and concepts. 
  • Teaching and Learning in Context. Students learn best when their learning experiences have context and are connected to their lives and the world that they have experienced
  • Conceptual understanding. Concepts are big ideas that have relevance within specific disciplines and across subject areas. MYP students use concepts as a vehicle to inquire into issues and ideas of personal, local and global significance and examine knowledge holistically
  • The IB community holds itself mutually accountable to these high standards. Education is an act of hope in the face of an always-uncertain future.
  • The IB and Lexington Middle believes that together we can help prepare students for living and working in a complex, highly-interconnected world. The adventures our students launch into that world will call forth their very best, as it calls now for the best from the adults who shape their education.
  • An IB education aims to connect the practical details of teaching and learning with a higher purpose, on the success of which our common future depends.
  • The program culminates in the Community Project during students' eighth grade year in which all eighth graders identify and research a community need and plan and implement a solution and finally present their project and reflect on their experience.

(adapted from IBO 2014)


The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

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