
Middle School Athletics are Starting!

Please click on the link to access the Intramural Release Form and make sure to fill out every highlighted area on the form. Incomplete forms will not allow your student to participate in school sports. Once you have filled out the form, please save it (select "Save As" and add your student's last name) and email the completed version to Mr. Millage at [email protected]If you have any questions contact Mr. Millage.

Intramural Release Form

HOME CONNECT STUDENTS: Please line up at the gates nearest the gym and wait for Mr. Millage to sign you in for attendance.

2020 Cross Country 

Cross Country tryouts will begin next Thursday, September 24th (8th Grade) from 4:15-5:15. Please know how you are getting home after the tryouts. 

All 8th grade Thursday, Septembe24th

All 7th grade Tuesday, September 29th

All 6th grade Wednesday, September 30th

Students must fill out the Intramural Release Form linked above.

At this time, only those boys and girls interested in trying out for the Cross Country Team need to fill out the online athletic form.

If you have any questions please contact Mr. or Mrs. Millage.

Athletic Insurance Information

1. Go to the Lee County School District website: 
2. Click on “Families” on the left side. 
3. In the Search area, type in School Accident Form
4. Click on “Student Accident Insurance (voluntary)”
5. In the upper middle of the screen it says “website and online enrollment”
6. At the top of the screen in Maroon letters it will say “Click here to purchase insurance now”.
7. Create an account as a parent and fill out the insurance form.
8. Send confirmation number to Mr. Millage’s school email address ([email protected]).
9. Any questions please contact Mr. Millage.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Are there any eligibility requirements for my child to participate in the Athletics?

Yes, there are requirements to participate in all sports:

  • Any student participating in athletics MUST email a completed and electronically signed SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY ATHLETIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, CONSENT, & RELEASE FORM to the PE teachers before participating in any sport tryout. This form will be returned if not completely filled out.
  • Students are required to have Medical Insurance.
  • Students are required to have a GPA of a 2.0 or higher.
  • Students must first participate in the try out period before competing in team play.
  • Students are required to demonstrate exemplary behavior on and off the court/field and in the classroom.

How are teams chosen?

Our competitive teams are chosen by the coaching staff at the conclusion of tryouts.  Students must attend all tryout dates in order to be considered for a team.  These teams compete against middle schools across the county.  Each sport has a separate boys and girls team, except golf which is co-ed.  In all sports 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students compete together except track.  In track, students are separated by grade level. 

When do sports take place?

Tryouts and practices are held after school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 4:15pm to 5:30pm.  Specific game schedules will be handed out by the coach on the first day of each sport. Students will need to listen to the announcements for the exact days of their tryout. (Boys one day, Girls the next)

Is transportation provided?

BUSES are available for all tryout/practice days and games. Students will get off at the closest school to their house. This is where parents pick up their child.

Students can also be PICKED UP at Lexington. PLEASE park in the parking lot and leave the parent pick up loop in front of the school open for the buses.

Can my child participate in more than one sport?

Absolutely!  Students are encouraged to participate in multiple school-related activities, including sports, clubs, etc.  Our coaches work around other school related schedules.  We want our students to experience all that Lexington Middle has to offer.

What can I expect if my child is chosen for a team?

If chosen for a school team your child will be loaned a school uniform, which will be returned at the end of the season.  Additionally, each team member will be given a schedule of games, with times and locations so you can come and support the team.  There will also be a team t-shirt for purchase to wear to school on game days. Practices will continue to be held on  Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday- 4:15 – 5:30 during the competitive season.

More Questions?

Call or email your athletic directors, Mark Millage [email protected] or Brenda Millage [email protected]
Lexington Middle  (239) 454-6130
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