Our Social Media

One of the focuses of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme is communication. We are committed to teaching communication skills in all our classes from Language and Literature to Mathematics to Spanish. We also want to honor this commitment by increasing the ways we communicate with our families and community. We are excited to announce  that we have created a Facebook page and an Instagram account to join our existing Twitter presence. We hope these platforms help us communicate the great things that are going on at Lexington. The focus of these accounts will be to celebrate and support our school, students, teachers, and community. 

Our Pages

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LexingtonMiddleIB

Instagram: @lexingtonmiddleib 

Twitter: @lxmsmiddle 


If you don’t use social media or don’t actively check pages, that’s ok. We will also continue creating newsletters, updating our website, and sending information home through SchoolMessenger. 

Will my child be pictured in social media?

Our posts will include photos and videos of students and staff, virtually all of which will come directly from teachers, coaches, club sponsors, and staff. During the first week of school, parents are asked to consent to our district’s media policy. The consent is done through the Directory From on the FOCUS Parent Portal. If you give your consent, your child may be pictured on our social media pages and other forms of communication produced by the school or district. You can change your consent designation at any time through the FOCUS Parent Portal. 

Will my child’s name be used with his or her image?

Our standard is to avoid using student names unless necessary. However, if there is special recognition, it may be appropriate to include the student’s name. 

What if someone posts something inappropriate?

To ensure everyone understands the ground rules for social media interaction on our pages we have established a Comment Policy. It communicates the intention of our pages, our zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate comments, and that we reserve the right to delete posts and even ban users, if needed.

Comment Policy

Lexington Middle School’s social media pages will focus on celebrating and supporting our schools, students, teachers, and staff as well as sharing important news and communicating event information. We encourage you to share your support, connect with other supporters, and visit often for news and updates.

While everyone is welcome and encouraged to comment, our first priority is to protect students, staff, and community members. Comments and/or posts that do not follow this Comment Policy may be removed.

Lexington Middle has a zero-tolerance policy for cyberbullying and/or posts or comments that are political, racist, sexist, abusive, profane, violent, obscene, spam, contain falsehoods or are wildly off-topic, or that libel, incite, threaten or make ad hominem attacks on students, employees, guests or other individuals. We do not permit impersonating another person or entity. We also do not permit messages selling products or promoting commercial or other ventures. You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided. We reserve the right to delete comments or topics and even ban users, if needed. Please be aware that all content and posts are bound by Facebook’s Terms of Use.

Lexington Middle School encourages user interaction on its social pages, but is not responsible for comments or wall postings made by visitors to the page. Additionally, the appearance of external links, as posted by fans of this page or other Facebook users, does not constitute endorsement on behalf of Lexington Middle School. In most if not all cases, external links posted by fans will be removed.

You should not provide private or personal information (phone, email, addresses etc.) about yourself or others on this page. Any posts or comments containing personal information of this nature will be deleted.

If you have questions, please e-mail [email protected].

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